If I am a Man of God

Reading: 2 Kings 1

You and I are Holy Ground. We are temples, altars and embassies of non other than The Living God. Or are we? We are men and women of a nature contrary (read. Holy) to the world. We are not called to conform to it’s (the world’s) standards, to make sense to sojourners who insist that this life is all there is and are adamant to be god’s themselves over The Living God: we are called to be maddeningly peculiar, in offence to their very thought – rising to The Mind of God unabashedly, flagrantly, manifestly walking how His Mind leads us to; away from beaten paths so that others too may submit to Loving and Fearing Him with their very breaths – because we have.

When God called us to take up our crosses, and follow Him, we stepped immediately into The Way which could not be walked with one foot tenaciously committed to the paths already walked aside from Him, and at the same time to the one behind His Footprints. This would have torn us to such a degree that even the ones who would never be born stood as more privileged than ourselves. And yet, if we are honest, this is the gait with which we have attempted to walk our pilgrims. Limping in orderly disorder. Rendering ourselves the nails, no, the claws of The God we refuse to submit to, to try scratch those committed to bowing to Him into our style of rebellion.

We come at them with our masses and artillery, our boasts of authority over them, even when we have witnessed God’s fiery backing of them against those like us, in previous times. We think we would be the difference. To bring them bound, wounded, limping, defeated, and in contempt of God’s words to and through them, as our morbid trophies back to…to whom? To whom would you turn such a one who ALREADY was in a conformity that you, operating as a committed sojourner to this world and it’s vanities, cannot even begin to comprehend: a conformity to The Living God?

But God does heal the lame. He still does. The ones determined to stand in offence against Him and His, He unapologetically consumes. The ones who understand that their morbid limps do not intimidate His reign, and come in submission to Him, He honors. He consumes still, with His Love, His Truth. Remember that next time the shouts of “Come down here and go with us” by that proud earthbound battalion attempt to overwhelm God’s Majestic and Heaven-bound declaration: “Come up here and see what MUST happen.” You represent The Unrepentant, Indiminishable, Unrelenting Word of God. You are His Dwelling Place, His temple, altar, embassy. ‘They’ learn Who He Is, by how you hold Him and His commands to you, even when they target their death missile your way. The fire that consumes them from heaven, will become for you who lives to perpetuate His honor entrusted to you, a carriage homewards. Even to Him. In a fiery Blaze of Divinity. Of Glory.

Even so, come LORD Jesus.

